Video: Ableton Live's Session and Arrangement Views

Which of Live's Views is right for you?
Which of Live's Views is right for you?

One of the things that confuses many newcomers to Ableton Live is the relationship between its Session and Arrangement Views. The former is well-suited to jamming and throwing ideas around, while the latter looks and operates more like a traditional DAW.

In this video, we'll provide a brief overview of how the two interfaces work - both individually and together. This should help you to better understand the basics of the Ableton Live workflow.

• For many more Ableton Live guides go to our massive learning hub: Learn Ableton Live and Ableton Push: music production tips and tutorials

Martin Delaney
Freelance Gear Reviewer

Martin Delaney was one of the UK’s first Ableton Certified Trainers. He’s taught Ableton Live (and Logic Pro) to every type of student, ranging from school kids to psychiatric patients to DJs and composers. In 2004 he designed the Kenton Killamix Mini MIDI controller, which has been used by Underworld, Carl Craig, and others. He’s written four books and many magazine reviews, tutorials, and interviews, on the subject of music technology. Martin has his own ambient music project, and plays bass for The Witch Of Brussels.