Five things you can learn in this month's Rhythm
February's Rhythm out now, and packed with useful stuff

How to make a tasty beetroot juice (seriously)
Pop session veteran Steve Barney used to be a big fella. Then one year ago, as he tells Rhythm this month, he committed himself to a healthy, juice-based diet with amazing results on and off the stage.
The Wanted drummer told us: “I used to come off [stage] feeling like I’d done 15 rounds with Tyson. That’s gone now. [The juicing diet] is not going to make you drum better, but I feel way more focused.”
Check out the diet that helped him lose over 3 stone and 6 inches in trouser-waist size in this month’s Rhythm, plus other tips for a healthier approach to your drumming lifestyle.
Here is Steve last year, talking to Rhythm about screaming fans and big pop gigs.

All about Tool's forthcoming album!
Cover star Danny Carey and his prog-alt-rock band Tool have been away far too long, we reckon. But joy! They’re back, recording a new album!
Danny tells Rhythm: “We have six or seven really good frameworks that we’re working on. We’re over half way in my opinion. The first tune is always hard to get polished off. It seems like on every record we have this big, epic thing like ‘Rosetta’ or ‘Lateralus’ That’s the one we’re focussing on right now.”
Find out more in February’s Rhythm, out now!

How to create double kick grooves
3. How to create double kick grooves
Dan Searle of Brit metalcorers Architects has some pretty impressive chops. In Rhythm this month, Dan offers some invaluable tips on creating double kick grooves.
“Don’t write something you can’t play!” says Dan. “I see countless bands playing double-kick patterns they are simply incapable of playing. And worse, some trigger so every little mistake is laid bare!”
Read his other tips in February’s Rhythm!
Meanwhile, here’s Dan giving Rhythm a tour of his kit set-up!

Learn about some of the hottest gear set for release in 2013!
Before all the announcements begin from this year’s NAMM show in California, Rhythm presents a preview of some of the best gear set for release at the show. Our 2013 Gear Special includes fantastic looking product from the likes of Natal, Mapex, DW, Paiste, Zildjian and more! This ought to wet your appetite for the news soon to be coming out of Anaheim! Check out the preview in this month’s mag, and then keep your eyes peeled to Rhythm for all the latest updates from the NAMM show!

Learn how to get the best out of your hi-hats!
In his brand new series, Gareth will be looking in more depth at the sounds you can get from the different elements of your kit. This month in Rhythm, he examines the different sounds you can get and ways to play your hi-hats. There’s also an accompanying video on the CD or on the enhanced digital version for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch!

“I’m sorry I ruined your song!”: Mike Portnoy hears Taylor Swift's Shake It Off for the first time and plays along... with surprising results

“Nile's riff on Get Lucky is a classic example of a funk riff, where the second of each 16th-note duplet is slightly delayed”: Locking down the theory of groove

“I’m sorry I ruined your song!”: Mike Portnoy hears Taylor Swift's Shake It Off for the first time and plays along... with surprising results

“Nile's riff on Get Lucky is a classic example of a funk riff, where the second of each 16th-note duplet is slightly delayed”: Locking down the theory of groove