Blur drummer admits to his drug influenced past...

Blur drummer Dave Rowntree has recently admitted that he was a cocaine addict during the heights of Blur's fame in the '90s. The band were renowned for their frequent drug usage, and Rowntree's testimony shines a light on some of his darker moments with the Britpop stars, claiming that the drug 'nearly destroyed' him. Speaking of the beginnings of his problem, he said: "I didn't start using regularly until the '90s, but as my tolerance increased, I used more. I managed to get help before they destroyed my life, and these days I'm active in the recovery community. The key point is that all the way along, I thought my behaviour was normal and it was the rest of the world that had gone mad".

Chris Barnes

I'm MusicRadar's eCommerce Editor. In addition to testing the latest music gear, with a particular focus on electronic drums, it's my job to manage the 300+ buyer's guides on MusicRadar and help musicians find the right gear for them at the best prices. I dabble with guitar, but my main instrument is the drums, which I have been playing for 24 years. I've been a part of the music gear industry for 20 years, including 7 years as Editor of the UK's best-selling drum magazine Rhythm, and 5 years as a freelance music writer, during which time I worked with the world's biggest instrument brands including Roland, Boss, Laney and Natal.