Video lesson: learn the most overlooked speed picking secret

In the first part of a trio of lessons focussing on picking,'s Claus Levin looks at mastering accuracy in alternate picking.

This exclusive MusicRadar video lesson is brought to you in association with our friends at Check out their site for more lessons and courses.

Alternate picking is the most challenging picking technique for one very specific reason: I requires you to combine to opposites. The first one is accuracy and the second is speed.

Try hitting the bullseye in darts with a focus on getting as close as possible - then try doing the same thing but focus on throwing as many darts as fast as possible as close to the bullseye as you can. It’s going to look ridiculous because speed and accuracy don't mix very well.

But with alternate picking you have to make it happen anyway.

In this video with tab exercise below Claus Levin will show you the #1 thing to be accurate about when you practice alternate picking and how this will allow you to pick much faster much easier.

(Image credit:

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