Propellerhead introduces two new virtual drummers for the Reason rack

When Propellerhead announced the first virtual drummer in the Reason rack, A-List Studio Drummer, we knew it was only a matter of time until more styles were catered to by more virtual tub thumpers. Now, just in advance of the newly announced Reason 9, two new additions to the Propellerhead shop have been announced, hoping to sate more rhythmic desires.

The two new drummers are A-List Classic Drummer and A-List Power Drummer, the first offering a retro vibe, the second letting it rip for a heavier sound. Both models are set up similarly to the original Studio version, but some controls have been tailored to match the new styles of beat on offer.

A-List Classic, for example, lets you select between Dry, Fresh, Hip and Fat styles, as opposed to A-List Studio's Soft, Natural, Tight and Hard. All A-List Drummers share similar kit setups, though, letting you tweak the balance between HiHat, Ride, Kick, Snare, Overheads etc.

Another difference in the new models is the Mix section. Assuming that people looking for a Power drummer may be after a mix style such as 'Rough' and 'HiFi', and that Classic users could be seeking 'Rattle' and 'Bright' sounds, Propellerhead have built these mix presets into the instruments.

All three A-Listers house comprehensive preset and part selection to get a beat grooving along to your track with ease, and basic customisation such as Swing, Feel and Tightness. As these are units within the Reason rack, you can hit the tab key and plumb in CV and output connectors for individual drums.

Both drummers are out now via the Propellerhead shop for $99/€99 each, or as a bundle for $199/€199.

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James Russell
Freelance Gear Reviewer

A former Production Editor of Computer Music and FutureMusic magazines, James has gone on to be a freelance writer and reviewer of music software since 2018, and has also written for many of the biggest brands in music software. His specialties include mixing techniques, DAWs, acoustics and audio analysis, as well as an overall knowledge of the music software industry.