Henrik Schwarz's favourite music software
We chat to the deep house veteran with a part-time jazz habit

Ableton/Cycling '74 Max For Live
“The release of Ableton Live was a revolution for me. Now, many years later, I have the same feeling again. Improvisation and spontaneity are very important in my live shows and jazz concerts. I wrote 20 or more little helpers with Max for Live and JavaScript - these can do 50 things at the same time when I just press one button or turn one knob. I can create a lot of drama with one knob - just like a musician with one string of his violin or one key of his piano.”

Waves L2 and Renaissance Vox
“Waves still makes the best-sounding and most musical plugins for me. L2 does the perfect job as a limiter when you need to do a quick demo that has punch. Renaissance Vox Compressor you just need to drop into your vocal channel - adjust for three seconds and the sound is perfect.”

Native Instruments Massive
“This is my number one sound source when it comes to virtual synths. Simple as that.”

Celemony Software Melodyne
“This is probably my most important software; I use it in many different ways. Of course it’s made for pitch correction, but it can do so many creative things that I love. It’s wonderful to create chords from single sounds or from noise, double voices... Every note can go anywhere, up and down; it can be short or long. Sound becomes like Play-Doh.”

Vienna MIR
“I discovered Vienna MIR while searching for software for my next album, which I’m doing with an orchestra. I wasn’t happy with the room sound we’d recorded, so I needed another solution.
“When I put my 48-channel project into MIR, I was absolutely blown away - this is by far the best-sounding software reverb I’ve heard, and I checked them all...”
Henrik will be at Unknown Festival at Amarin, Croatia, 8-12 September
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