Dillon - The Unknown

Having won much deserved critical acclaim for her highly impressive debut album, This Silence Kills in 2011, Berlin-based singer and pianist Dillon now returns with a matured and possibly yet more impressive follow-up.

The Unknown finds Dillon, originally from Brazil moving away from the quirky and often sweet pop of her debut in favour of a deeper, more complex record. Her slow and deliberate piano style is a real marker of this maturity, conveying a wealth of depth and richness in her music.

Much of The Unknown is melancholic and forlorn, but there are equally sections where electronic music yields its seeming increasing influence in Dillon's music. Deep, fuzzy bass notes and bass drum kicks feature more than before, marrying perfectly with the singer's haunting and often hypnotic vocals.

This Silence Kills had all been written before recording, whereas The Unknown is the result of a more conceptual process. This process seems to have created a more intense environment, resulting in an extremely personal and open aesthetic that gives the entire album a very intimate feel. The lyrics are complex, dealing with issues such as drama and lament in a way that complements the beautifully arranged piano.

Dillon is speaking from the heart, but in her own unique and mysterious way as she continues to develop as an artist.

4.5 out of 5

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