Melodics launches Acoustic Drums program

Melodics drum lesson app
(Image credit: Melodics)

Melodics has announced the launch of its all-new Acoustic Drums program, which brings the popular interactive drum lesson software to the widest audience ever.

Until now, Melodics has focussed on teaching people to play the drums via electronic drum sets and electronic drum pads, but with its Acoustic Drums course, Melodics is now available to drummers on all kits.

In a statement released by Melodics, the brand describes its new Acoustic Drums course as the “first of its kind” which “combines a mix of high-quality guided lessons, practice exercises, play-along songs and real-time feedback to help aspiring percussionists begin their journey towards playing drums.”

Melodics Acoustic Drums allows users to calibrate each part of their kit to the software, and from here, Melodics will provide “instantaneous” feedback on your progress with timing, technique and all-round drumming abilities via machine learning and Melodics’ advanced sound detection technology.

As well as the built-in lessons, curriculum, and the ability for users to choose their own preferred learning path, Melodics also contains a number of songs for you to jam along with.

 "We are thrilled to extend our renowned e-drums experience to acoustic drums for beginners," said Sam Gribben, CEO of Melodics. "Learning to play the drums can be challenging, and our goal is to make it accessible and enjoyable for everyone. With our app, beginners can learn at their own pace, practice anytime, and receive instant feedback to help them grow as musicians."

Melodics Acoustic Drums is available now via the Melodics app for Mac, PC, iOS and Android. Subscriptions start at £8.33/$10.99 for  the Standard plan or £10.99/$14.99 for Melodics Premium. 

Monthly and Annual billing plans are available, to find out more or start a free trial, visite the Melodics website.

Stuart Williams

I'm a freelance member of the MusicRadar team, specialising in drum news, interviews and reviews. I formerly edited Rhythm and Total Guitar here in the UK and have been playing drums for more than 25 years (my arms are very tired). When I'm not working on the site, I can be found on my electronic kit at home, or gigging and depping in function bands and the odd original project.