Megadeth guitarist to sell guitars, amps and pedals from his collection

Following his bandmate Dave Mustaine, Megadeth guitarist Kiko Loureiro is having a spring clean of his gear stores around the world and opening a Reverb shop on 10 March to sell 80 items he's used for recording and onstage. 

Let's just hope one person doesn't snap most of it up like they did with Mustaine's guitars.

“I’m a gear fanatic and have been collecting guitars, pedals, and amplifiers throughout my life and world travels," explains Loureiro. "I’ve got gear from my homes in Brazil and LA, from the Megadeth camp in Nashville, and from Finland, where my wife is from,” said Loureiro. 

“As tough as it is to part with these pieces, I believe that instead of letting them sit in storage, I want people to play them and use them to make new music and memories.”

Here's a preview of some of the shop highlights…

(Image credit: Reverb)

The three Ibanez 100-TRRs Kiko signature models for sale are in a discontinued red finish and Kiko used them on Megadeth's Dystopia touring runs from 2015 to 2018.

(Image credit: Reverb)

The Kiko 200 above is one of two included in the sale and is Ibanez's second signature model for Loureiro and it's built for speed with scalloped frets in a bright green burst finish. 

It's not been gathering dust in storage either; "I’ve been using [it] during the process of composing the new album for Megadeth," Loureiro says. "Also, [for] all my solo concerts and clinics and all the videos that I posted on YouTube, I’ve been using the Kiko 200."

(Image credit: Reverb)

This handbuilt Tagima K-1 was made by master builder Márcio Zaganin. Loureiro used this guitar on numerous tours around the world. Its fretboard is made of wood from the jacarandá-da-baía (Brazilian rosewood) that previously made up the floors of City Hall in São Paulo, Brazil. Loureiro calls it his best Tagima and has a message for it's potential buyer… 

"I want to know who is going to buy this guitar. I want to be friends with this person," Loureiro says. "I want to know the person who is going to carry on, who’s going to use the guitar and is going to, I don’t know, collect or something, but I want to have a friendship with this person."

(Image credit: Reverb)

This Ibanez Prestige RG752WMFX played a key role in Loureiro's recent career; it's all over his recording debut with Megadeth on 2016's Dystopia album. 

“This guitar is very special to me,” said Loureiro. “It was used to record 90 percent of the riffs on Dystopia. So if you buy this guitar, you can have a Grammy-winning guitar.”

(Image credit: Reverb)

This Achim acoustic guitar was handmade for t Loureiro in Germany after he sold a number of his other nylon classical guitars to find it.

“The bass that comes from this instrument is something that I never heard in my life," says Loureiro. "It’s something really special. You can hear this acoustic guitar on the song Awakening Prelude, the first track of my solo album, Sounds Of Innocence.”

(Image credit: Reverb)

This  Laney LionHeart amp head and matching 4x12 cab was used by Loureiro when he first moved to Los Angeles. “I used this specific amp for all the small gigs and videos that I did in LA at that time,” he says. “It’s got a beautiful, classic British tone.”

(Image credit: Courtesy of Kiko Loureiro)

For more info on the opening of the Kiko Loureiro Reverb shop head over to

Rob Laing
Guitars Editor, MusicRadar

I'm the Guitars Editor for MusicRadar, handling news, reviews, features, tuition, advice for the strings side of the site and everything in between. Before MusicRadar I worked on guitar magazines for 15 years, including Editor of Total Guitar in the UK. When I'm not rejigging pedalboards I'm usually thinking about rejigging pedalboards.