The best of YouTube: #44

The 'Leon live on Later
The 'Leon live on Later

Every Friday, the MusicRadar team submits its own personal favourite music videos and clips on the net.

Some clips we really like, others are simply comedy classics or oddly intriguing. But all are worth watching.

This week we've got ludicrous talent (Guthrie Govan and 13-year-old drummers), top new gear (Korg's MicroKorg XL) and great songs (The Prodigy and Kings Of Leon).

Enjoy the clips…

13-year-old little drummer girl Sara destroys Rush's YYZ

We saw 10-year-old Isiah Ulysses blitz the Evans drum stand at NAMM last week. He was good, but he's got exactly three years to get as good as this Chinese girl, who is devastatingly good. And she does stick spinning things. Tom Porter

Korg MicroKorg XL used in song

Our old friend jetdaisuke, who posted one of the first videos of Korg's MicroKorg XL on YouTube, has now created a song using just a few presets from the synth and a copy of GarageBand. It's not a bad effort, and there's some curious footage to accompany it. This includes - for no reason that we can fathom - a picture of a bird's nest. Make sure you check out the lyrics in the info bar, too. Ben Rogerson

The Prodigy 'Omen'

As anyone who heard 2004's Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned will attest, it's been over a decade since The Prodigy meant something. Featuring all three members of the band, new single Omen from the forthcoming Invaders Must Die promises a much-needed return to form. Much like REM's Accelerate (stay with me…), it seems that going back to go forward is the sonic order of the day. If that means spooky girls with glockenspiels, live shows like a Millwall home game and, well, lots of bits that sound like The Prodigy we all remember and love(d), then bring it on. Pendulum? Your time is up. Mike Goldsmith

Kings Of Leon live

The Tennessee quartet are surely a shoo-in for Best International Group or Best International Album at the 2009 Brits. Here they are on the BBC's Later with a great performance of Use Somebody. Michael Leonard

Guthrie Govan makes modes easy

Guthrie Govan is really good at the guitar (Look! Here! At NAMM! He's amazing!), and, luckily for anyone who's ever wondered what modes do and why, he's really good at teaching, too. Throw away your music text books with their sorry tales of 'play-only-the-white-keys-from-D-to-D-on-a-piano-and-you've-learnt-absolutely-nothing' and let Guthrie explain how modes work in the simplest possible way: demonstration. Chris Wickett

AC/DC Live: Back In Black - Vocal Only

Maybe it's because I have a massive cold at the moment and mere talking is a struggle, but I am flat-out astounded that Brian Johnson can deliver this kind of vocal performance night after night. Although there's a little guitar bleed through his microphone, this is the raw sound of his isolated live singing - and I do mean 'raw.' I don't know what kind of clamp Johnson has to apply to his nuts to reach such screechy highs, but he sure brings it. Joe Bosso

Still bored?

In tribute to the 2009 Celebrity Big Brother finalist, here's an episode of Cookin' With Coolio - co-starring a man in a Scotch Tape mask, some "bullshit" steak and some beer.


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