New Kings Road Vintage Guitar Emporium offer a part of Rory Gallagher's guitar collection for sale

A selection of Gallagher's amps, guitars and other gear go up for sale.
A selection of Gallagher's amps, guitars and other gear go up for sale.

PRESS RELEASE: New Kings Road Vintage Guitar Emporium are very proud to offer a selection of guitars and amplifiers for sale from the collection of Ireland's legendary guitarist, Rory Gallagher.

These instruments have never been offered for sale until now. There are some great pieces that have been used live and in the studio by Rory, and this a truly unique opportunity, to purchase some of his authentic equipment.

New Kings Road Vintage Guitar Emporium will be displaying the instruments for sale at their shop located at 65a New Kings Road, London, SW6 4SG.

Information taken from official press release, for more visit New Kings Road Vintage Guitar Emporium.

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