200 Best-Ever Drumming Tips

200 Tips For Drummers
The Summer issue of Rhythm is out now and available in print and digitally in store, or from, Apple Newsstand and the Google Play Store.
This month we round up a massive 200 tips from star drummers including Joey Jordison, Travis Barker, Chad Smith, Ian Paice, Michael Miley, Clem Burke and tons more - on everything fromkit maintenance and tuning to technique, playing styles, drumming health and getting the best from your drums.

This month we talk to Ged Lynch to find out more about his gig with Peter Gabriel, that sees him tour North America with both Gabriel and Sting as they trade songs and Ged trades licks with Sting's drummer, the mighty Vinnie Colauita! Ian Matthews tells us about playing the big gigs with Kasabian, and then welcomes us to his new business venture alongside Al Murray and master drum builder Keith Keough at the British Drum Company. KISS drummer Eric Singer tells us about his career drumming with hard rock royalty and we meet Joe Donovan, making waves with up and coming band Blossoms.

A set of UFIP Bionic cymbals worth £904 could be yours this month, as well as a British Drum Company Merlin snare drum made (with a bit of help) by Rhythm's own gear expert Geoff Nicholls! It's a beast of a snare, worth a beastly £650!

As always our expert reviewers check out the latest gear in this month’s Rhythm.
This month we have reviews of Animal Custom Drums Tourer kit, Paiste Formula 602 Modern Essentials cymbals, AKG drum mics, Ludwig Hammered Acrolite and Copperphonic snare drums and Pearl's Eliminator Redline bass pedal.

As always this month the Drum Lessons CD is packed with great tuition content, including lessons on reggae grooves and fills, hi-hat barks, jazz coordination and nine-note stickings. We also show you how to play like Keith Moon on The Who classic 'Won’t Get Fooled Again’ and Iggy Pop’s 'Lust For Life'.
The Summer issue of Rhythm is out now and available in print and digitally in store, or from, Apple Newsstandand the Google Play Store.