NAMM 2015: Now this is what we like to see at the Ludwig booth - a Bonham Vistalite.
This stunning kit dominated the company's stand, and it was put to good use on Thursday night at the annual Bonzo Bash.

Bonzo Bash
Organised by former Whitesnake Brian Tichy, the event sees all manner of top drummers take on a Bonzo classic. And as you can see from the next pic, some of this years players even signed the hallowed kit.

And it's signed as well!
How much do you think this would fetch on eBay?!

Classic Maple
The Bonham kit wasn't the only vintage beaut on the Ludwig stand, check this stunning Classic Maple.

Ludwig's DIY Signet kit was also out in full force.

A monster Ludwig
And of course no NAMM stand would be complete without a ridiculously huge drum kit.
NAMM 2015 coverage in association withAndertons.
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