Fans campaign for Bonham statue

Led Zep legend could soon have own monument
Led Zep legend could soon have own monument (Image credit: Neal Preston/Corbis)

Led Zeppelin fans have set up a campaign to have drumming legend John Bonham commemorated with a statue in his Worcestershire hometown.

In true rock legend fashion, drumming pioneer John Bonham left such an impression on the music world that local businesses from Redditch want to honour his memory by raising a statue of the charismatic sticksman.

Bonham tragically passed away in 1980, which resulted in the band deciding to part ways on the basis that it just wouldn't be Led Zeppelin without him.

John's sister Deborah Bonham told the Redditch Standard, "I'm absolutely thrilled about it. John was unassuming, so he'd probably be a bit shy about it - but I know he'd be very proud.

"I wish it had happened when my dad, mum and brother Michael were alive. To see it up there will be very emotional. It's just wonderful to know he mans that much, and his music brought that much joy to so many people."

The fund raising will be kick off with a night of music at Redditch United's FC stadium on Friday whilst brother Mick Bonham's book John Bonham: The Powerhouse Behind Led Zeppelin has been republished and is availablein the towns local café, Mambo.

A campaign website will be launched in the Autumn.
