Transform your voice into another vocalist's in real-time in your DAW with Dreamtonics Vocoflex

Vocoflex - Real-Time Voice Creation & Transformation Plugin - YouTube Vocoflex - Real-Time Voice Creation & Transformation Plugin - YouTube
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Vocoflex is a new vocal transformation plugin from Tokyo-based developers Dreamtonics that lets you access AI-powered voice modelling in your DAW in real-time.

Load up this effects plugin on an audio track with a vocal, drop another recording into Vocoflex for the plugin to analyse as a target voice, and it'll morph the vocal timbre in your first recording into that of the target voice. Dreamtonics says Vocoflex only needs ten seconds of a clean and unprocessed vocal to create an AI vocal model.

The target voice recording appears as a line of joined dots in the plugin's interface, with each dot representing a segment of the audio; you're able to morph between the timbre of each segment by moving your cursor over the dots. You're can also drop additional target voices into Vocoflex and morph between multiple voices to create a hybrid vocal timbre that shares qualities of each voice. 

Vocoflex is also equipped with a voice generator that allows you to transform vocal recordings without using samples. By selecting a point on a coloured XY pad, you're able to manipulate a vocal timbre to make it more masculine or feminine and alter its tone; changing the colour of the pad will transform the vocal timbre into another voice entirely, and you can even generate randomized voices. 

The plugin can be used in real-time for vocal processing during live performances; Dreamtonics says Vocoflex can operate with as little as 35ms latency, and you're able to control the plugin via MIDI, making it a powerful tool for live vocal manipulation. 

To prevent users making use of the voices of other artists without permission, Dreamtonics requires ID verification before processing a target voice, and embeds an inaudible audio watermark into processed voices to curb unauthorized voice modelling. 

Vocoflex is available now for macOS and Windows in VST3/AU/AAX formats at a discounted price of $159.20. Find out more on Dreamtonics' website.

Vocoflex: All Features Walkthrough - YouTube Vocoflex: All Features Walkthrough - YouTube
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Matt Mullen
Tech Editor

I'm MusicRadar's Tech Editor, working across everything from product news and gear-focused features to artist interviews and tech tutorials. I love electronic music and I'm perpetually fascinated by the tools we use to make it. When I'm not behind my laptop keyboard, you'll probably find me behind a MIDI keyboard, carefully crafting the beginnings of another project that I'll ultimately abandon to the creative graveyard that is my overstuffed hard drive.

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