Shadows and Cliff to Tour UK!

In a move that not even conspiracy theorists had considered, Sir Clifford of Richard has got back together with three quarters of The Shadows - ‘Marvelous´ Hank Marvin, Bruce Welch and Brian Bennett - and have booked a UK tour for Autumn 2009.

For many fans who remember this lot´s fifties heyday with a glint of a tear in the eye, this represents a genuine chance to revisit those halcyon times and, although many players will regard Hank´s style as merely ‘quaint´, if it wasn´t for Cliff and The Shadows, British music may well have been very different.

As the French say “Ne mockez pas...”

Dates confirmed at the time of typing are:

25 & 26 Sept - London O2 Arena
30 Sept - Nottingham Trent FM Arena
3 & 4 October - Birmingham NIA
6 October - Cardiff CIA
7 October - Liverpool Echo Arena
9 October - Glasgow SECC
12 October - Newcastle Metro Radio Arena
14 October - Sheffield Arena
17 October - Manchester Evening News Arena

It´s a Wonderland etc.

Simon Bradley is a guitar and especially rock guitar expert who worked for Guitarist magazine and has in the past contributed to world-leading music and guitar titles like MusicRadar (obviously), Guitarist, Guitar World and Louder. What he doesn't know about Brian May's playing and, especially, the Red Special, isn't worth knowing.