Computer Music Special: Vocals

CM special 46 cover

CM special 46 cover

We've said it before: the vocal is the most important part of a tune, but what do you do if you can't sing, don't own expensive equipment and/or don't have access to a rarefied recording environment? Pick up a copy of our brand-new Computer Music Vocals Special! With this magazine/disc package you'll learn a host of modern vocal production techniques that'll arm you with everything you need to produce outstanding results.

If it's natural, sweetly-sung parts you're after, learn how to record pro-sounding vocals in a bedroom studio and create flawless performances even from sub-standard takes, using the power of today's software.

If synthetic vocals are more your bag, follow the step-by-step tutorials showing you how to create classic and cutting-edge vox, from daft robots to dark demons, ethereal angels, stuttered samples and more.

Or perhaps you fancy a go at turning your DAW into the ultimate beatboxing machine? That's covered too. Plus, a massive mixing tutorial takes you through the fundamentals of balance, space, tone-shaping, dynamics, phrasing and sitting a vocal.

That's not all: on the included disc you'll find a superb collection of more than 500 pro vocal samples from top audio production houses including Loopmasters, Producer Loops, Sounds To Sample, Time+Space and Sonokinetic. The sounds on offer encompass a huge range of vocal styles, from dance, electronic and urban to world music and movie voiceovers, so we guarantee you'll find something to inspire your next production.

So, don't condemn yourself to a life of instrumental tracks, or ruin your potential masterpieces with sub-quality vocals. Computer Music Special 46: Vocals is on sale from*:
UK/online: 23 Feb 2011
Europe: 2 March 2011
North America: 23 March 2011
ROW: 6 April 2011

Stockists: selected WH Smith, Borders, Barnes & Noble, Chapters and independent newsagents, or online from
*Overseas dates are approximate due to factors beyond our control.

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